Flamblock Lithium Fire Extinguisher


Flameblock Lithium Black (FLB)  deals effectively with the complex chemical processes prevalent during a Lithium Battery Fire.

The nature of a Lithium Battery fire results in a dangerous and hot self-sustained fire which is extremely difficult to contain, even using proven technology to limit oxygen supply to the fire.

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Why a Lithium Fire Extinguisher?

In science class, one of the experiments used to be to bring a small piece of Sodium in contact with water. The result was a volatile reaction with sparks and extreme fire for such a small piece of metal. Now, seeing that Lithiums falls within the same chemical group (Group 1), the reaction to water will, as is the case with Sodium, be similarly violent.

A runaway lithium fire is one of the most dangerous and destructive fires due to inefficiency of traditional fire fighting techniques which poses the risk of increased the volatility of the lithium fire with devastating consequences. 

Flameblock Lithium Black Fire Extinguishers are formulated specifically to suppress Lithium Battery Fires preventing re-ignition for an extended period of time thereby removing the continued fire danger after the fire is extinguished.

Available in two convenient 2l or 6l sizes.

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Suppress the fire

Lower the temperature below 80°C and keep it cool.

Extinguish the fire

Suppress fire induced chemical reaction to prevent fire fueling oxygen release.

Discharge the battery

Chemical interference to discharge the battery, preventing electrical fires after extinguishing.

Prevent re-ignition

Prevent re-ignition of the chemicals for days after the fire.


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